Stacking the Shelves #1


Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews in which we talk about the books we’ve acquired (bought, received for review, borrowed from the library, etc.). Here’s what I’ve acquired in the past week:

A Gathering of Shadows FinalTitle: A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2)
Author: V.E. Schwab
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Tor
Publication Date: February 23rd, 2016

I have needed something, anything to get me out of my reading rut. I am not sure if A Gathering of Shadows will do that or not, but I am sure of one thing. I LOVED the first book in this series. The world was interesting, the characters felt real, and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. V.E. Schwab writes killer Fantasy, and I am sure that A Gathering of Shadows is no exception. Plus, just look at that cover! It’s gorgeous! I just couldn’t leave it on the shelf. I had to take it home.

lastdaysTitle: The Last Days of Magic
Author: Mark Tompkins
Genre: Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Publisher: Viking
Publication Date: March 1st, 2016

This one was a bit of an impulse buy. I read a fabulous review of it over at The Bibliosanctum so, I added it to my TBR list. Then my husband and I were walking through Barnes and Noble and it caught my eye. I was waffling on whether or not I wanted to buy it. My husband was the deciding factor. You see, he prides himself on being able to predict whether a book is going to be good or bad based solely on the synopsis in the dust jacket. He swears this one is going to be brilliant. So, I bought it. Partly to see if he’s on a roll or not, but mostly because it sounds awesome. 

Have you read either of these? Or did you find a new gem at your local library or bookstore? Tell me what you are stacking your shelves with!