Monthly Recap: April Edition

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I had such big plans for this month. I had a list of book I was going to read and review. Unfortunately, I didn’t follow it at all. I did, however, manage to read nine books this month. Which, is pretty good for me. Some of these books have not been reviewed yet and some won’t be reviewed. But that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a mention! So, here are my April reads.

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April had some reading highs and lows. Changes was probably the highest of the high points, leaving me desperate to read the next book in The Dresden Files series. I would say that this has happened with every book in that particular series, but that would be a lie. Ghost Story just did not impress me that much. I understood the need for it in the grand scheme of things, but after reading it I needed a break.

While Ghost Story was a bit of a letdown, Boundary Crossed was the low point of month. Now, let me say that I did not hate that book. The fast paced nature was enjoyable. I just found myself wanting more out of the characters. If you are interested you can read that review here

I apologize for the review light month. The blog was only open a little over two weeks in April, but I still think I could have managed more than four reviews. I promise to try harder in May!

So, all in all, not too bad of a month! Reviews for the remainder of the Parasol Protectorate and Uprooted will be posted in the near future!

Now, what am I going to be reading in May? I need your help to update my TBR. What do you think I should read? Let me know in the comments!